IRS Announces Postponed Deadlines for Time-Sensitive Acts for Texas & Louisiana Winter Storm Victims
(March 10, 2021) UPDATE: On March 10, 2021, the IRS issued News Release LA-2021-02 to provide "affected taxpayers" who were victims of the winter storms in Louisiana relief with postponed June 15th deadlines for the completion of certain time-sensitive acts many of which are related to IRAs, employer plans, HSAs, or Coverdell ESAs. The relief mirrors the relief (explained below) that was provided last month to "affected taxpayers" who were victims of the winter storms in Texas.
(February 22, 2021) On February 22, 2021, the IRS issued News Release IR-2021-43 to provide “affected taxpayers” relief with postponed June 15th deadlines for the completion of certain time-sensitive acts many of which are related to IRAs, employer plans, HSAs, or Coverdell ESAs. Under the relief, time-sensitive acts referenced in News Release TX-2021-02 with a due date to be performed on or after February 11, 2021, and before June 15, 2021, are postponed until June 15, 2021.
Time-Sensitive Acts
The time-sensitive acts identified in News Release TX-2021-02 that are eligible for the extended deadline include any actions listed in in either Treasury Regulation 301.7508A-1(c)(1) or Revenue Procedure 2018-58. Some of the time-sensitive acts relating to IRAs, employer retirement plans, HSAs and Coverdell ESAs with a due date that fall within this time frame include acts performed by individuals while others are acts performed by IRA providers and/or employer sponsored plans, or HSA or Coverdell ESA providers. While the list below is not exhaustive, the acts listed that have a deadline within the February 11, 2021 to June 15, 2021 timeframe have until June 15, 2021 to completed by the “affected taxpayer”.
- Make HSA contributions for tax year 2020
- Complete a 60-day HSA-to-HSA rollover
- File Form 5498-SA with the IRS
- Provide to HSA owners an Annual Account Statement which is often satisfied by providing a copy of IRS Form 5498-SA
- Make Traditional and Roth IRA contributions for tax year 2020
- Complete rollovers including an IRA-to-IRA 60-day rollover, a 60-day indirect rollover from an eligible employer plan to an IRA, a rollover within 120 days of a first-time home distribution withdrawn from an IRA that meets certain requirements, and a rollover of a wrongful IRS levy of an IRA or employer retirement plan.
- Use IRA distributions within 120 days of the distribution to qualify for the first-time homebuyer early distribution penalty exception.
- Repay qualified reservist distributions.
- Withdraw substantially equal periodic payments from an IRA
- Date by which a qualified disclaimer must be made
- Certain QLAC transactions
- File Form 5498 with the IRS
- Provide to IRA owners and beneficiaries an Annual Account Statement which is often satisfied by providing a copy of IRS Form 5498
- File Form 990-T with the IRS
- Make SEP and SIMPLE IRA contribution for the 2020 tax year
- Remove an IRA excess contribution with earnings attributable to avoid the 6% excess contribution penalty
- Recharacterize a Traditional or Roth IRA contribution
Coverdell ESAs
- Make Coverdell ESA contributions for tax year 2020
- Complete a 60-day ESA-to-ESA 60-day rollover
- Remove an ESA excess contribution with earnings attributable to avoid the 6% excess contribution penalty
- File Form 5498-SA with the IRS
- Provide to ESA Designated Beneficiary an Annual Account Statement which is often satisfied by providing a copy of IRS Form 5498-ESA
Qualified Plans
- Make corrective distributions of excess deferrals, excess contributions and excess aggregate contributions
- Make timely permissible withdrawals of unwanted deferrals under an eligible automatic contribution arrangement (EACA)
- File form 5500 (for non-calendar year plans with 5500 filing due dates falling between February 11, 2021 and June 15, 2021)
- Making plan loan repayments “quarterly or more frequently”
- Making an indirect rollover of an eligible rollover distribution (ERD)
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